Sunday, February 13, 2011

Save Your Holiday Amaryllis Gift

 Did you receive a forced amaryllis for the holidays?  If you’re like me, you enjoyed the hint of spring that it brought to the home during the coldest part of winter.

The blooms are gone from the amaryllis , and you're probably trying to decide what to do with it now. The floppy leaves aren't particularly attractive, but the plant is still alive and you aren't really ready to toss  it in the dumpster. Maybe the following information will help you decide to make the effort to get it to rebloom next year.

While you're deciding, snip off the flower stalk to the nose of the bulb and give the plant a bit of water. Put the pot in the coolest part of the house, in a place out of direct sun, but where it will still get plenty of light. Treat it like you would any other houseplant, not over-watering but keeping the soil moist. Depending on the humidity where you live, a once a week watering should be enough. Read More

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